Encounter with Dr. Yunus ノーベル平和賞ユヌス氏との出会い①
(1)Recently, on a cold winter’s night in China, I happened to meet Dr. Mohammed Yunus (the Nobel peace prize winner, founder of micro credit). We were both promoting social business supporting Bangladesh. He was heading for Shanghai to promote Grameen Bangladesh (micro credit bank) for his Grameen China project; I for Tokyo, with connecting flight in Kunming, and a bag full of dreams – 20 pieces of hand stitched Nokshi scarves- for an exhibition there. Fourteen women had hand stitched those scarves over a period of one month; a social business that provides jobs for women in the village. Of course, Dr. Yunus’ and my credentials could not be further removed. Like comparing the Pacific Ocean to a drop of water glistening on a leaf in winter. I had expected that Dr. Yunus would be much bigger physically. The privacy of a first class seat on China Eastern Airlines and cold night in Kunming Airport; plenty of time to just share many small events of life. I was delighted by an invitation from Dr. Yunus to his social Business Lab., so much so that less than 24 hours in Japan, I returned to Bangladesh to attend the meeting with him.

Encounter with Dr. Yunus ノーベル平和賞ユヌス氏との出会い②へ