今日は、iimonの縫子さんでも最も昔からいる一人、PANNA(パンナ)をご紹介します。恥ずかしがり屋の多いバングラデシュ人女性には珍しく気が強くて、給料や福利厚生について少しでも疑問があればすぐに意見を言ってくれます。普段は元気ですが、時々体調を崩して仕事ができないことがあるため、パートタイムかつ不定休を認める形で働いてもらっています。こうした柔軟な働き方ができる環境はバングラデシュではほとんどありません。iimonでの仕事が彼女の人生に良い影響を与えられればうれしいなと思っています。 近日中に彼女のノクシカタもショップにUpしますのでお楽しみに!
Let me introduce our staff, “Panna.” She joined iimon as we started this Nokshi-katha project as an employee. Unlike other Bangali women, she has strong-minded attitude towards her job. We allow her to work part time basis as well as giving her unscheduled sick leaves because of her health condition. These basic benefits of the employee are not commonly practiced in Bangladesh. We wish she utilizes this job opportunity for her future development.

Let me introduce our staff, “Panna.” She joined iimon as we started this Nokshi-katha project as an employee. Unlike other Bangali women, she has strong-minded attitude towards her job. We allow her to work part time basis as well as giving her unscheduled sick leaves because of her health condition. These basic benefits of the employee are not commonly practiced in Bangladesh. We wish she utilizes this job opportunity for her future development.